Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February Fun

With mid-winter break ahead, I’ve started collecting a list of ideas to keep us busy plus some events before and afterward too. With February being February, we'll have both our sleds and shorts ready to go.

All events are free except for the recently added theater event at Youngstown.

Virtual Lantern Festival 2022
Where:  Seattle Chinese Garden, South Seattle College / 5640 16th Ave SW
When:   Saturday, February 12—Saturday, February 19
What:    Online events and activities, go here for details. Follow up with an in-person visit to the garden and do a self-guided tour. Make sure to explore the South Seattle Arboretum, adjacent to it too. 

Crafts at The Heron’s Nest
The Heron's Nest / 4818 15th Ave SW
When:    Saturday, February 12th / 13pm (Candle Making)
               Saturday, February 19th / 11am1pm (Felt Creatures)
What:     Hosting two family-friendly events. To register go here

Great Backyard Bird Count
Where:   Your backyard
When:    February 18–21

Pollinator Garden Restoration and Backyard Bird Count
Where:   Westcrest Park 
/ 9000 8th Ave SW
When:    Saturday, February 19th / 10AM–noon or 1–3PM
What:     Dirt Corps is hosting a restoration project and Seattle Audubon will be providing information on birds that use the park and helping folks submit observations for the Great Backyard Bird Count. Registration required. For more details and to register go here

Birds of the Duwamish River Valley
Duwamish Longhouse / 4705 W Marginal Way SW
When:   Saturday, February 26th / 9AM–Noon
What:    Bird walks and a presentation. For more information go here

Live theater production: "A Year with Frog and Toad" (Added 2/18/22)
Where: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center / 4408 Delridge Way SW
When: Friday, February 25-March 12th / Afternoon and evening times
What: Go here for more info.
Ongoing activities

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